TwisCode Pte. Ltd. Apps

Masaku (Delihome) 3.3.8
Formerly known as Delihome.Our team and products are still the same. We are a platform forfinding delicious home-cooked food around you.This apps aims to promote home-cooked food. Users can easily pickand order different types of food, locally made, in a fast andhassle-free way.If you cook at home, you should post your next cooking session onthe app. People who want to ask you to cook will book via the appand you can track the bookings inside the app.Daily Delicious Delivery
DelihomeCook (Masaku) 1.2
Applikasi ini membantu Ibu rumahtangga/Homecooks untuk menjual masakan mereka secara online danmendapatkan pemasukan tambahan dengan mudah. Homecooks dapatmenjual makanan mereka kapanpun mereka mau, tanpa ada kewajiban dankeharusan untuk setiap hari menjual makanan mereka.